Being part of a multicar accident can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Apart from your physical injuries, which may need extensive medical treatment, you may also suffer mentally. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety are just some of the...
In the Aftermath Of A Car Accident,
We Can Help
Subtle signs of organ damage after an accident
Auto accidents can be life-altering events that lead to injuries beyond what is immediately visible. One may not notice any immediate pain or discomfort, which can make it challenging to identify serious internal injuries. Internal organ damage can take hours, days or...
Who is liable if you’re injured in a ride-sharing accident?
Ride-sharing services have become a popular way to travel in California. However, accidents involving these services can lead to complex legal situations. Knowing who is liable for your injuries is crucial for seeking compensation. Determining liability in...
Tips for protecting kids from car crashes
Every parent worries about the safety of their children, especially when it comes to the risks associated with car travel. While we may not have control over every aspect of driving, there are steps parents can take to significantly reduce the risks to kids....
What to do after being hit by an uninsured driver
Getting into a car accident is stressful enough, but finding out the other driver doesn't have insurance adds another layer of complexity. It is important to know what you should do and what you can expect if you’re in this situation. Assess the situation First,...
What the public thinks about distracted driving
Any act that takes your focus off of the road can be considered an act of distracted driving, and it can can increase your risk of a California car crash that might involve serious injuries or death. According to one survey, drivers feel that distracted driving is...
Impaired driving and large truck collisions
Impaired driving is a serious issue that affects all road users, including large truck drivers. When truck drivers operate their vehicles under the influence of alcohol, drugs or fatigue, they put themselves and others at risk. It is important for trucking companies...
Navigating wrongful death suits in California
The loss of a loved one due to someone else's negligence or wrongful actions is a heartbreaking experience that can devastate families and cause them to face significant financial and emotional challenges. In California, the law provides a pathway for certain family...
Small dogs, negligent owners and serious injuries
Small dogs are often seen as cute, cuddly companions that make great pets for apartment dwellers or those with limited space. However, what many people fail to realize is that small dogs are just as capable of inflicting serious harm as larger breeds. Unfortunately,...
Car crashes may result in a traumatic brain injury
One of the most severe consequences arising from a California car crash is a traumatic brain injury (TBI.) This type of injury happens when a sharp object penetrates the skull or the brain moves from side to side upon impact. TBI victims may experience injuries...