Purchasing consumer goods is essentially a daily activity for most individuals in California and elsewhere. Many will not second-guess the safety and quality of the product unless it is broken or visibly defected. Unfortunately, it is not always apparent and obvious...
In the Aftermath Of A Car Accident,
We Can Help
Defensive driving strategies for motorcycle riders
The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration reports that while motorcycle accident fatalities have declined overall nationwide in recent years, riders still have a disproportionate risk of serious accident injury and death. In addition, California has more...
Truckers are especially prone to drowsy driving accidents
No matter what the weather or time of day, semi-trucks are an ever-present sight on highways in Southern California. It takes skill and knowledge to handle one of these behemoth vehicles, meaning truckers have to make sure they are alert and aware of their...
Backup cameras may give drivers a false sense of security
Modern cars, trucks and SUVs have a variety of technological features that tend to make them easier and safer to drive. One of these, the backup camera, shows drivers a real-time view of the area behind their vehicles. If drivers use backup cameras correctly, they...