Speeding is perhaps the most common factor in motor vehicle accidents in California. Motorists who drive in excess of posted speed limits place everyone around them at risk, and often, these drivers are unable to make the split-second moves necessary to avoid being...
In the Aftermath Of A Car Accident,
We Can Help
Truck drivers and fatigue
Truck drivers likely realize their vehicles could inflict significant damage in an accident. So, many professional drivers avoid dangerous behaviors, such as speeding or making reckless lane changes. However, numerous truckers take to California roads despite being...
The dangers of drowsy driving
There are state laws against texting while driving but not against driving while drowsy. Many studies prove that drowsy driving is dangerous, but in California, countless drivers take the risk every day. They face increased risks of fatal crashes and serious injuries...
What to do after a crash involving an uninsured driver
California requires all drivers to carry a minimum level of auto insurance. However, despite this, some motorists operate their vehicles without complying with this law. If you are in an accident with an uninsured driver, you still may be able to obtain compensation....
The danger of drunk driving and avoiding it
In California, motor vehicle accidents occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the most common, despite decades of public awareness campaigns, is driving while drunk. How does drunk driving lead to car accidents? There are several ways. One is that drunk drivers...
California’s hit-and-run dilemma
Far too often, irresponsible and reckless drivers commit deadly moving violations and may leave the accident scene. Sometimes, the driver’s decision to flee and not call the police or emergency first responders may have tragic consequences. While hit-and-run accidents...
Time for back-to-school safety reminders
It’s almost the time of the year again when kids will be going back to school. With the start of the school year fast approaching, we wanted to take a few moments to discuss some safety tips for those who frequently find themselves traveling in school zones or near...
Should trucks have speed limiting devices installed?
Should trucks traveling through California have devices that limit how fast they can go on highways? The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) thinks so and has called on the U.S. government to expedite plans to require speed limiters for large trucks. Why...
Avoiding motor vehicle accidents in summer
In California, summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it's also a time for increased risk on the roads. Motor vehicle accidents are more common during the summer months, so it's important to be aware of the risks and take precautions. Why are motor vehicle accidents...
Why do car wrecks occur?
Impaired driving and traveling too fast for prevailing limits and weather conditions are two common reasons why car accidents occur on California roads and highways. Poor road conditions, improper vehicle maintenance and lack of visibility may also contribute to motor...