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How your life can be impacted from a concussion after a car accident

On Behalf of | Sep 26, 2023 | Automobile Accidents

One of the most common injuries resulting from car crashes in California is a concussion. Even when the accident doesn’t produce multiple severe injuries and extensive vehicle damage, concussions can occur when victims hit their heads on a surface in their vehicle due to the accident’s impact.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury resulting from car crashes and other types of accidents. Concussions can temporarily affect the brain, causing various problems with cognition. When an accident occurs, the impact can cause the brain to bounce inside the skull, causing bruising, bleeding and tearing. The visible effects of concussions can differ from person to person. Some people may not experience immediate effects, while others become dizzy and may experience nausea, blurry vision and memory loss. Victims do not have to lose consciousness to suffer a concussion.

Concussions range in severity with three grades. Grade I has no loss of consciousness, with no amnesia or amnesia present for less than 30 minutes. Those with Grade II can lose consciousness for less than five minutes or amnesia that lasts between 30 minutes and 24 hours. Grade III involves loss of consciousness for more than five minutes or amnesia that lasts more than 24 hours.

Medical examinations are essential

Even if a car crash is not severe, it can result in injuries that are not readily apparent, including concussions. Sometimes, complications from accidents, even those that are not severe, can take time to manifest. However, medical professionals can frequently see the initial signs of complications that can lead to early treatments to minimize any possible complications. If symptoms go untreated, additional complications can occur, even in cases of minor concussions.

Concussion symptoms can include headaches, sleep difficulties, memory problems such as confusion and difficulty concentrating, irritability and feelings of sadness, anxiety and nervousness, and other physical symptoms like blurry vision, nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light or noise. Even though these symptoms may not seem severe, for some, they can impact their ability to function, which emphasizes the importance of early injury detection.