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Drivers must stop after a car accident

by | Feb 4, 2021 | Automobile Accidents

When a car accident happens, most people expect that the car’s driver will stop but that doesn’t always happen.

Property damage

California law requires that if a driver of a vehicle is involved in an accident that results in property damage, the driver must locate and notify the owner of the property. The driver must present the owner with his or her driver’s license, vehicle registration, name and current address.

If the accident occurs and the driver cannot locate the property owner, the driver must leave a note detailing what occurred and also notify the police department if the accident happened in a city or the highway patrol if the accident happened in an unincorporated territory.

If a driver does not stop and take the steps detailed above, he or she can be charged with violating California’s hit and run law. This can result in imprisonment in the county jail for up to six months, a fine of up to $1,000 or both.

This is generally a misdemeanor, however the driver can also be responsible for paying for the damaged property.

Physical injury or death

If a driver is involved in an accident that results in an injury or death to another person, he or she must immediately stop at the scene of the accident.

A driver who fails to do this can be subject to a significant prison sentence, a fine or both. A hit and run that results in an injury or death is usually charged as a felony in California.

Hit and run accident victims can contact the Law Office of Aman N. Shah to protect their interests. The law office will manage all aspects of the hit and run case to ensure that every issue is fully addressed.